DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-7(211)-2

Stryzhevska А. А. Grounds, conditions and features of exemption from criminal liability provided for in part five of Article 354 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The article is devoted to the analysis of exemption from criminal liability on the grounds specified in part five of Article 354 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The directions of modern researches of this problem are analyzed. The concept of exemption from criminal liability on the grounds specified in part five of Article 354 of the Criminal Code, conditions and criminal consequences. The application of general types of exemption from criminal liability of persons who have committed corruption offenses is limited by the legislator, and the implementation of such as expiration due to the expiration of the statute of limitations does not cause difficulties in practice. criminal liability provided for in part five of Article 354 of the Criminal Code.

Key words: criminal liability, corruption offense, exemption from criminal liability, grounds for exemption from criminal liability.


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