DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2021-7(223)-3

Sosnin O. V., Kononets A. Problems formed by everyday information and communication sphere of holding.

An unheard-of triumph of mankind in the last century was that in the process of the development of science and technology, information and communication technologies (ICT) exploded most vulnerablely, and we, at a new ideological level, comprehended the importance of information and professional awareness of citizens as a resource for the modernization and development of countries. Under the influence of ICT in the twentieth century, communication began to develop rapidly in science, education, industry, economics, medical and military affairs, etc. The arrays and quality of meaningful information that have been accumulated over the centuries, and in different countries it was done in different ways, in the twentieth century for the first time began to intensively integrate into the system of world knowledge, laying the foundation for the formation of a global system of information exchange and human communication. The coordinates of the capabilities of modern technical means that form information and communication networks and systems, over the past thirty years have significantly expanded the world, radically changed the concept of information and communication activities, and its digitalization in general, increasing the requirements for it, internationalized and unified standards, translating the development of society to a new level.

The requirements for education and professional training of people who work in the information and communication sphere have also radically changed. We see all this in the examples of the integration of the latest ICTs into the totality of all information and communication, political and legal, scientific, educational and financial and economic processes, which, in turn, are rapidly changing human society in the harmonious unity of all their elements, integrating the potential of humanity and increasing the power of influence on our consciousness of the global information and communication space (ICP). The world community poses before each state extremely difficult issues of conducting an appropriate information and communication policy in order to adapt its citizens to living conditions in a new information and communication reality, requiring legislatively to form a new vision of human rights and responsibilities to meet information and communication needs in society and, thus Thus, to prepare their citizens for life in the new realities of the world, the life of which is based on the use of information as the main resource for development.

Key words: information, informatization, communication, information and communication technologies, information and communication security, information and communication activities, information and communication space, information and communication legislation.


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