DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2021-6(222)-1

Buhaiko Yu. O. Subjects of linguistic examination of bills in Ukraine and their legal status

The article raises for the first time the issue of the legal status of the subjects of linguistic examination of bills in Ukraine. A terminological analysis of the concept of «subject of linguistic examination of bills» was conducted. The structure and features of the subjective composition of the linguistic examination of bills are outlined. A review of regulations that define the rights, responsibilities and powers of the subjects of linguistic examination of bills was undertaken. Emphasis is placed on the problems of establishing qualification requirements for experts in conducting linguistic examination of draft laws and legal regulation of the organization of their professional training. The provisions of normative-legal acts, which establish requirements for experts in conducting linguistic examination, are analyzed and they are compared with legal norms, which define the requirements for forensic experts. The domestic experience of carrying out educational actions on carrying out bill-making and examination of bills is studied. Based on the analysis of qualification requirements for experts in conducting certain types of examinations of draft laws and their professional training, the author’s vision of qualification requirements and the system of professional training of experts in conducting linguistic examination of draft laws is proposed. It is concluded that the level of legal regulation and scientific coverage of the issue of the legal status of the subjects of linguistic examination of bills in Ukraine is inappropriate.

Key words: subjects of linguistic examination, legal status of subjects of examination of bills, linguistic examination, examination of bills, legislative procedure.



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