DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-12(216)-4

Bazov V. P. Principles of international humanitarian law

The article considers topical issues of the general concept and system of principles of international humanitarian law. The basic general and special principles of this branch of international law are investigated, and also the principles and ways of interpretation of its norms are analyzed. The tendencies of further development of the principles of international humanitarian law are determined.

In the modern world, international humanitarian law has become a unique legal phenomenon and has acquired the most universal institutional and legal nature. But even today, this authoritative branch of international law continues its development, which is influenced by numerous factors, including increasing the conflict of modern international relations, which necessitates effective action by the UN and other international organizations and individual states, and, in turn, requires a theoretical analysis of the humanitarian international legal force mechanism that international law theorists hope can provide an effective response to the brutal challenges of the new millennium. However, this leads to the fact that in some cases the forces of the UN or other international organizations actually become a party to an armed conflict, which leads to the fact that such a conflict already affects not only the state or states of the conflict zone, but also third countries place their armed forces at the disposal of international organizations. The need to comply with international humanitarian law is highlighted in numerous Security Council resolutions and decisions of other UN bodies, decisions of regional international organizations, including the Council of Europe and the European Union, which significantly affect the formation and further development of international humanitarian law.

Key words: theory of international law, principles of international humanitarian law, system of principles, international relations, international judicial practice.



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