DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-7(211)-3

Tsyhanov S. M., Trotsenko A. M. Procedural features of the interaction between the forensic expert and the investigator at the scene related to the use of firearms.

The article examines the features of the interaction of a forensic expert and an investigator at the scene of an incident involving the use of firearms, and the determination of the expert’s error when performing his functions in the investigation of criminal offenses related to the use of firearms. The specified list of criminal offenses, the subject of which is firearms, and also analyzed the statistics on the number of registered crimes under the selected article and the percentage of these crimes to crimes against public security committed in the same year. The legislative framework governing the activities of a forensic expert has been checked. The definitions of the concept of “forensic examination” are also given, the essence of interaction between the investigator and the forensic expert is characterized and their forms are indicated. The issues of the features of conducting research with firearms by a forensic expert have been studied. It was proposed to improve the skills of forensic experts to eliminate the poor-quality conclusions of the expert and further facilitate the rapid conduct of the pre-trial investigation at a high level. It was noted about the expediency of interaction between the investigator and the forensic expert by the beginning of the appointment of a forensic examination by prior agreement of questions, the answers to which the investigator wants to see in the expert’s conclusion. It is also recommended to transfer the authority to collect materials and objects that will be subject to expert research to the forensic expert who will conduct the research, and not to the investigator or specialist.

Key words: forensic expert, investigator, firearms, procedural features.



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