DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-1(205)-5

Mytrytska G. G. Regulation of the private employment agencies’ status as participants in relations in the field of non-standard forms of employment.

The article is devoted to the study of the legal status of private employment agencies. International and European standards in the regulation of private employment agencies are analyzed. The status of private employment agencies in foreign countries as bodies that promote and secure employment of the population has been investigated. Mainly hermeneutic, statistical and functional research methods have been applied. the etiology of the emergence and revision of the traditional concept of labor relations during the collapse of the Soviet system and the beginning of the formation of market relations in the 1990s is investigated. It is established that during the first post-Soviet decade old legal norms of doing business remained; the informal economy flourished in real labor relations; the question of liberalization of labor law was raised at the beginning of the third millennium. In the economic situation, there is a growing demand for loan work. As a rule, such services are provided by representatives of multinational companies, national companies with complex organizational structure and well-established budgeting system, companies undergoing reorganization. According to expert estimates, about 100,000 people are currently employed in loan work in Ukraine, and in view of the new tax rules, this figure is expected to increase by at least half. At the same time, it is concluded that in addition to classical employment in modern Europe and in the world as a whole, there are other forms of employment, in particular its atypical form – borrowed labor (loan). Given the growing role of private employment agencies in the world, including in addressing unemployment, it is necessary to regulate much of the important conditions of borrowing that have been left out of Ukrainian law, which could adversely affect the level of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of workers. The conclusion is made about the expediency of improving the legal regulation of the status of private employment agencies and relations in the sphere of employment and in the national labor legislation of Ukraine.



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