Donets V.A. Application of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in public service disputes, dismissal from the public service. 4-14

 Yanchuk O. В.  Introduction and development of probation in Ukraine: current situation and perspective 15-22

 Onishchuk О. М.  Classification of parental rights  23-28

 Kropyvna K. О. Assignment of cases of forced collection of funds for a workplace intended for disabled persons to economic jurisdiction 29-35

 Mykola Bortun. Powers of the prosecutor during the conduct of unspoken, investigative (investigative) actions 36-41

 Klochkov V. G. Supervision of the prosecutor over the observance of laws by the operational units of the penitentiary service 42-48

 Sosnin Alexander. Some questions about understanding the meaning of the concepts of information and communication in the structure of law and socio-political life of Ukraine 49-64

 Bocharova N.V. The status of the community in search of the optimal variant constitutional model of local government in modern Ukraine: theory and practice 65-74

 Вільям Еліот Батлер 75-76