DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2021-4(220)-2

Kozhura L. О. The genesis of the formation and development of public administration of the right of persons with disabilities to health care.This research paper examines the formation of public administration of the right of persons with disabilities to health care. It is argued that this historical path can be divided into periods, according to the features that were inherent in them: the first period begins with the formation of Kievan Rus and the introduction of the Christian religion, was called «Church Intercession», began with the tenth century. and ended in the mid-seventeenth century. The second period began with the entry of Ukrainian lands into the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary, respectively, ended after the October Revolution, was called «Imperial Expression», began in the seventeenth century and ended in the early twentieth century. The third period was called «Socialist reforms and transformations», had three stages, which are characterized by specific features of the public administration of the right of persons with disabilities to health care, it began in the early twentieth century and ended in the late twentieth century. The first stage of this period: «Socialist reforms and transformations» was called «Revolutionary transformations» began after the October Revolution of 1917 and ended after the Great Patriotic War of 1941—1945. The second stage of the period of «Socialist reforms and transformations» was called «Khrushchev’s reforms» began after the Great Patriotic War of 1941—1945 ended around 1970. The third stage of the period of «Socialist reforms and transformations» was called «Soviet reality», began in the Brezhnev era of 1970 and ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The fourth period of public administration of the right of persons with disabilities to health care was called «Ukrainian identity «it began in 1991, after Ukraine gained independence, and still operates today.It is proved that the modern period of development of public administration of the right of persons with disabilities to health care has the following features: a person with special needs is a full member of society; the whole society is responsible for each of its members; the priority component of the state’s domestic policy is the provision of assistance to persons with special needs; the priority is the systemic state policy on the adaptation of persons with special needs to society; financial budget support of people with special needs and their guardians; large-scale state social program for social rehabilitation of military invalids; financial support for military invalids and members of their families.Key words: law, social protection, persons with disabilities, health care, human rights and freedoms; socially vulnerable persons; public administration; social sphere, public policy.



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