DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2021-3(219)-2

Ilkiv O. V. Civil law consequences of object construction on a land provided for construction (superficies).

The article is devoted to the analysis of civil consequences of superfidence as a legal category of the Institute of Rights in Ukraine.

The right to build a foreign land should be considered as a legally secured opportunity and ability of a person to carry out all kinds of urban planning activities on a land plot or acquired for such purposes. For construction, the person must have an appropriate legal title (superficies agreement) on the basis of which state registration and determine the boundaries of the area in nature in the terrain. Superficies rights to the land should be recorded in licensing documents for construction or declarations on the start of construction.

Investigated that a new superficies acquirer and the owner of the land have the same rights and responsibilities that were provided for by the conditions of the previous supervisory superfiction. In this case, there is a succession of rights and obligations for a new superfidence, which accounted for the content of the previous agreement between the owner and the user (superficies). It has been found that the transmission of a land that is the subject of a superficies agreement between the owner and the user on the basis of a new agreement to another person should be carried out with the consent of the owner.

Transfer without the consent of the owner of the land, which is subject to a superficial agreement to another person contradicts the basic principles of ownership, regarding the disposal of the object of real rights.

A disadvantage is the fact that in the norms governing the legal consequences of termination of the right to use the land are not regulated by their onset in case of failure to reach an agreement between them, giving a solution to this issue to solve the court taking into account the circumstances of the case.

During the study by the author, it is proposed to complement the norms of civil law on the transition of the right to use a land for construction from the Superficielity, after the start of construction, it is possible to provide permits to the acquirer for the construction of the relevant construction object.

Key words: superficies, ownership, real rights, land, building object.



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