DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2021-5(221)-1

Ierusalimova I. А. Implementation of the separation of powers in the USA Constitution in the historical and legal doctrine experiences.

This article provides a historical and legal analysis of the US Constitution adopted in 1787.

Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the principle of powers’ separation in the constitutional mechanism of the United States, which assumes clear organizational independence of the legislative, executive and judicial branches. According to J. Hart’s precised definition, «if all roads lead to Rome, then sooner or later all issues of American governance come down to the separation of powers» [8, p. 34]. The main feature of the rule of law is the delimitation of functions between the government branches. The basis of internal relations in the American state throughout its history is the principle of powers separation and, complementary to it, the principle of «checks and balances». Each of the government branches are characterized. Their role and place in the state system have been studied.

It is emphasized that the US Constitution is a valid and universal legal document. It is concluded that the form of the state itself, the nature, and the entire content of its activities depend on the correlation, interaction and opposition of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of power.

Key words: constitution, republic, rule of law, division of power, legislative power, executive power, judicial power, legislative power.



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