DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2021-5(221)-3

Vlasenko V. V. Theoretical and legal aspects of the functioning of the financial system of Ukraine.

The article examines the theoretical and legal aspects of the functioning of the financial system of Ukraine. Approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of «financial system» in legal and economic science are analyzed and its features are highlighted. In particular, financial system: has a close connection with the financial activities of the state; its components ensure the implementation of financial activities of the state; provides effective allocation of financial resources for the areas determined by the financial policy of the state; has an impact on the economic development of the state and the stability of the economy as a whole. Based on the analysis of legal doctrine, the structure of the financial system is determined: 1) budget system; 2) credit system; 3) compulsory state insurance; 4) finances of enterprises. Highlighted the regulatory legal acts that have influenced the formation of the national financial system. Such acts include legislative acts and bylaws. The author also analyzed the powers of public authorities, which made it possible to refer them to the subjects of management of the financial system of the state. It is proposed to divide the subjects of financial system management into links: higher-level state authorities; executive bodies of the central level; local executive bodies and local self-government bodies; control and supervisory bodies. The research revealed that cooperation agreements (memoranda) are concluded between public authorities for mutual understanding and joint solution of problems that arise during the implementation of certain programs or strategies. The problems that arise during the functioning of the financial system of Ukraine are highlighted.

Key words: public administration, public finance, subjects of management of financial system, financial activity of the state, financial system, financial law.



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