Plakhotniuk N. V., Ivanysko S. O. Human trafficking as a crime against humanity

The article emphasizes that human trafficking is a modern form of slavery and a crime against humanity. The causes of the international crime are unresolved migration problem in the world, armed conflicts, insufficient efforts of states to combat human trafficking, inefficiency political and economic transformations in the state, corruption officials, declarative social policy and numerous other reasons. UN Office on Drug and Crime reports an increase in the number of recorded cases of human trafficking in the world. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, states have closed their borders, but this is not the way out. After the resumption of international connections, a new wave of migration flows is expected. As a result, the level of human trafficking crime will increase.

The institutional mechanism of the UN, the Council of Europe and the role International Criminal Court in the field of combating the crime of trafficking people were analyzed. The scale and effectiveness of certain international legal acts are determined. The main disadvantage is their recommendatory nature. Combating against transnational crime trafficking in human beings requires to use not only national and regional judicial system, but also international bodies. Particular attention was paid on the importance of the International Criminal Court and the European Court of Human Rights in investigating the crime of trafficking in human beings. The issue of jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court on human trafficking crimes was covered.

Creating a new mechanism to combat human trafficking is not an appropriate way. We emphasized the importance of improving the work of existing institutions.

Key words: crime against humanity, human trafficking, institutional mechanism, migration, International Criminal Court, Rome Statute, European Court of Human Rights.



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