DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-1(205)-4

Voloshchuk O. T., Getmantsev M. O. Peculiarities of responsibility to arbitrators of international commercial arbitration.

The article explores the problems of arraignment of arbitrators, while analyzing both the legal framework for international commercial arbitration of foreign countries and the existing arbitration practice. In particular, it is emphasized that the arraignment of arbitrators is quite problematic, as there are significant omissions and gaps in the domestic arbitration laws of several states, which avoids the liability of unfair arbitrators. However, given that international commercial arbitration is a non-governmental institution, built on the principle of autonomy of the will of the parties, which allows the parties to influence positively the arbitration (by determining the right on the basis of which the dispute, languages ​​and places of arbitration will be settled and the quantitative composition of arbitration, etc.), in this case, the role of ethical rules is growing significantly. Accordingly, unscrupulous arbitrators cannot further claim to be involved in arbitration proceedings, as they fall into the so-called «black list of arbitrators» and the parties refuse to provide their services.

This «public disclosure» method can be viewed to some extent as a means of preventing arbitrators. From a practical point of view, we consider it justified to include in the regulations of international commercial arbitration tribunals the provisions on the application of sanctions for violation of the parties consideration of their obligations.

If the arbitrator makes a deliberately wrong decision, it is advisable to provide for the following sanctions: withdrawal (in particular, the grounds for dismissal should be: financial dependence, subordination and other professional relations of the arbitrator with one party; the same nationality of the arbitrator and one or both parties; or opinion; court precedents); suspension of activity, prohibition on occupation of certain positions, liability for damages, administrative and criminal liability.

Key words: arbitration, international commercial arbitration, arbitrator, responsibility of arbitrators, sanctions in international commercial arbitration.



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