DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-11(215)-1

Olshanchenko V. I. The state of Ukraine as a subject of civil liability for losses caused to entrepreneurs during the Ukrainian Anti-Terrorist Operation/Joint Forces Operation (analysis of current legislation and practice).

In order to repel external aggression and stabilize the economic and socio-political situation in the country in 2014, the legal regime of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) was enacted. Subsequently, the Anti-Terrorist Operation in Eastern Ukraine in April 2018 was renamed the Expanded Anti-Terrorist Operation within the Joint Forces (JFO) Operation. The issue of the responsibility of Ukraine for the damage caused to businesses by public authorities or their officials during the ATO/JFO has become relevant. Today in this above mentioned area there are serious deficiencies of the regulatory and legal support, as well as practical implementation, which complicates the mechanisms of compensation to entrepreneurs affected by the ATO/JFO.

The paper shows the results of research on the compensation for damage caused to entrepreneurs by the state of Ukraine during the hostilities and/or other measures related to the law enforcement, as well as the defense of subjective civil rights of the participants in civil relations. The provisions of articles 1166 and 1167 of the Civil Code of Ukraine are analyzed in determination of grounds for liability and other provisions of paragraph 1, chapter 82 of the Civil Code of Ukraine depending on the circumstances under which the damage was caused. The civil liability of military servants during the service and combat missions is discussed and considered. It is proved that the structural subdivision of the Military Forces of Ukraine is responsible for causing damages during the service and combat missions. The particular attention is paid to the consideration of the practice of application of the current legislation of Ukraine in the area of compensation for damage caused by Ukraine to entrepreneurs. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made. Under present conditions, the responsibility of Ukraine for damage caused to entrepreneurs by the delict of public authorities or their officials remains clearly unresolved at the regulatory level. The need to supplement the articles 1173 and 1174 of the Civil Code of Ukraine by the provision that clearly defines that the damage is reimbursed by the state of Ukraine is claimed.

Key words: rights, guarantee, legal liability, institute of responsibility, reparation, state.



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